I live in a new world every day
As the world unfolds in me
step by step by step by step
by day
by day
Picture: Javier Allegue Barros, unsplash.com
Welcome to pective
I live in a new world every day
As the world unfolds in me
step by step by step by step
by day
by day
Picture: Javier Allegue Barros, unsplash.com
She was afraid of
and didn´t accept her own darkness
That’s why she hated winter so much
cause then there was no running away
Her darkness found resonance
in everything around her
It was her chance to listen to herself
to accept all her sides
and heal
… Continue reading “She was afraid of and didn´t accept her own darkness”
They wanted to put me in boxes
that I never fit
and never was for me
even though I stepped in and out of all of them
whenever I wanted to
They wanted to put labels on me
good at that
bad at that
you love that
you dislike that
this is your favourite
and this is your identity
Trying to understand me
but not understanding me
at all
And in the process
blocking the flow of relation
blocking the flow of communication
There was masculine dominance in the world
It was a massive imbalance
It was time for divine feminine power
To rise
Picture: Mathias Huysmans, unsplash.com
… Continue reading “It was time for divine feminine power to rise”
The seed
has the light
and core power
to grow through anything
and everything
and find its own unique way forward
The only thing we need to do is nurture the seed
be in awe of its inherent brilliance
and genius
So that it gets the sun
the water
and the companionship
to awaken all of its inner strengths
Endlessly stronger
endlessly wiser
than anything and everything
Just by being
expressing itself
in whatever way it wants
… Continue reading “The only thing we need to do is to nurture the seed”
I’m falling in love with an idea of you
an idea of something that you’re not
and that’s why you disappoint me all the time
… Continue reading “I’m falling in love with an idea of you”
The closed mouth
could not receive the medicine
The closed eyes
could not see the miracle
The closed heart
could not feel the love
The closed mind
could not understand this
She needed another relationship to crash
And to hate her job a little bit more
Before she was ready for change
Before she was ready to invest in herself
Picture: Anh Nguyen, unsplash.com
… Continue reading “She needed another relationship to crash”
Her insecurity
Came out as strong assertiveness
And deep vulnerability
Photo: Gabriel Matula, unsplash.com
She was angry
deeply furious
but she would never face that anger
or express it
never from a place of allowance
Instead she would do yoga
and meditation around the clock
And have her mega furious outbursts
every once in a while